
"Bare" Necessities for Technology

The new Long-Range Plan for Technology, 2006-2020 is our ultimate vision for technology in Texas. It provides recommendations in four domains: Teaching and Learning; Educator Preparation and Development; Leadership, Administration, and Instructional Support; and Infrastructure for Technology. Today,I'd like to share some thoughts on the Leadership, Administration, and Instructional Support domain.

We all know that the demands of teaching in the 21st Century and equipping students with 21st Century skills requires a transformation that cannot be taken lightly. More now than ever, leaders must rise to the challenge and assist their staff to transform to meet the demands of the 21st Century learner. Administrators and Leaders in Texas schools must share this vision for world-class learning in all instructional settings. They must promote academic excellence through data rich planning, engaging and timely professional development, and encourage teachers to provide technology rich environments in their classes. How can we expect our teachers to make necessary changes, if their leadership is lacking technology proficiencies too? If more administrators would model the possiblities that technology brings to education and incorporate it into their own professional activities, it would create a motivation for their staff to follow. Having a skilled and persistent leadership that demonstrates consistent technology expectations would encourage teachers and students to improve their own technology proficiencies. Just as teachers must be willing to become co-learners with students, I feel that our administrators and leaders also must be willing to become co-learners with their staff. This would create a strong sense of accomplishment for the school environment.

To view the Texas Long-Range Plan in its entirety,click here.


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