Classroom TOOL
This is an exciting find and I think you will enjoy it! Look at all the different tools you can have at your fingertips as you project and teach. What I think will sell you on this tool is that it was created by a Netherlands teacher. He wanted his students to be able to focus on their work more. I love that he is open to taking your suggestions to improve the tool also. Go to Classroomscreen.com and check it out for yourself. You can find how it works by watching this video ClassroomScreen.com. I am not sure how long it has been out, but Julie Smith has a few videos on YouTube sharing it and helping you with the many features and widgets. I LOVE how you can open/close them in one instant click. Here is what it offers:
1. New Background each login (or you can change it at anytime)
2. Many Languages
3. Random Selector (Names, numbers) Roll Dice (1, 2, or 3)
4. Sound Level
5. QR code (share any URL)
6. Exit Poll
7. Whiteboard (drawing w/option for multiple boards)
9. Work Symbols (silent, whisper, ask neighbor, work together)
10. Traffic Light
11. Timers
12. Clock
Posted in classroom, education, engage, focus, Productivity, student, teacher, Tools
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