
Seasonal Break

Well, I apologize for being away for a spell, but you can say I truly enjoyed my break for the holiday and look forward to the next one. I have so much to be thankful for and love this season. Maybe that's why God chose this season for my birthday LOL. I was blessed with a new grandson (number 6 grandchild) born on November 29th, which had us traveling to Austin for his birth. There's just nothing like snuggling with a newborn baby. I miss him already, but do have to get back to work.

This week in all my thankfulness, I thought I would share this heartfelt poem to educators from +Peter Reynolds. He and his brother have the company Fablevision and have now created a new one called TLC: Teaching, Learning, & Creativity I like the sound of that because isn't that's what we are all about in education? Check out their Mission Statement on the site. I just know that this will be yet another great project from Peter and Paul Reynolds. Please go here to fill out the form on the Keepers of the Flame and tell your own story of how you inspired a student. You never know if it will be chosen and published!
Thank you educators for all you do:


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