NASA @ Home and City || Version 2.0
- As NASA struggles with waning public support for the space program (despite the hype around Apollo 11), this is a fantastically engaging interactive that links progress in the space program with everyday life. Very high tech and fun! - post by Paul Boyer
MT @BeatBullying: "If you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams..." - Roald Dahl pic.twitter.com/NHCXDK8AE6 #satchat — Robert Kalman (@robert_kalman) September 13, 2014
@DeborahRzepela chk out this book on feelings>Theo's Mood by M.Cocca-Leffler. Fab share by @JoEllenMcCarthy #EdCampLI pic.twitter.com/tUm3h56Y2m — Gwen Pescatore (@gpescatore25) September 13, 2014
http://t.co/NNXdEwqzxv Learning is Messy. @TonySinanis @BMcClelland24 #EdCampLI #NYedchat pic.twitter.com/Mfau4JsJIs — JoEllen McCarthy (@JoEllenMcCarthy) September 13, 2014
Dan McCabe on Twitter: "A6b: Make it Sticky #NYedchat #EdCampLI http://t.co/ZphGSOk8fI"
A6b: Make it Sticky #NYedchat #EdCampLI pic.twitter.com/ZphGSOk8fI — Dan McCabe (@danieldmccabe) September 13, 2014
Bragging... But Liam's last chemo was a year ago this week. He looks so good now. Take that cancer. pic.twitter.com/CYjQuIQ8y2 — Meg Unger (@MegUnger) September 13, 2014
Dipsticks: Efficient Ways to Check for Understanding | Edutopia
53 short and simple ways to check for student understanding: http://t.co/1l6AbMTTqY. pic.twitter.com/AdmpqQiLOg — edutopia (@edutopia) August 28, 2014
Truth! #edchat #satchatwc https://t.co/w6zGNe7LCo pic.twitter.com/v5zpwKsfr6 — Bill Powers (@MrPowersCMS) September 13, 2014
Ernest Hackney on Twitter: "http://t.co/IorefaejUF"
Perfect! "@RippleEffexLLC: "7 Things Every Kid Needs To Hear..." Love this reminder! RT “@ernest_ent: pic.twitter.com/9wBzUHc5XM” ..." — Christopher Jones (@SeekonkAp_Jones) September 13, 2014
Think Pedagogy First, Technology Second
RT @fishtree_edu: Think Pedagogy First, Technology Second http://t.co/iAg4gdSm1O #edchat pic.twitter.com/HUhlqWCYpP #unionrxi — Dr. Justin Tarte (@justintarte) September 12, 2014
8 ways teachers can talk less and get kids talking more | The Cornerstone
8 ways teachers can talk less and get kids talking more http://t.co/nzzkmde58G — Amber Teamann (@8Amber8) September 12, 2014
Jason Elsom on Twitter: "Back in my day... http://t.co/j5jbg2HeQv"
Back in my day... pic.twitter.com/j5jbg2HeQv — Jason Elsom (@JasonElsom) September 12, 2014
Sean Junkins on Twitter: "10 Terrific Twitter Chats for Teachers. http://t.co/9QiQhMLEYF"
10 Terrific Twitter Chats for Teachers. pic.twitter.com/9QiQhMLEYF — Sean Junkins (@sjunkins) July 28, 2014
21 Things Every 21st Century Teacher Should Do This Year (via @mrhooker). pic.twitter.com/m2e0oW3jtg — Sean Junkins (@sjunkins) September 5, 2014
FREE Webinar: Tips for Using Twitter as a Learning Tool in the Elementary Classroom | mattBgomez
Chantal Bechervaise on Twitter: "Who are the millennials? #TChat http://t.co/0WF4v7NNN7"
Who are the millennials? #TChat pic.twitter.com/0WF4v7NNN7 — Chantal Bechervaise (@CBechervaise) September 10, 2014
Free Technology for Teachers: 5 Resources for Creating and Hosting Podcasts
ICTmagic - Photos & Images#posterazor#posterazor#posterazor#posterazor#posterazor
Life of an Educator: Don't give up on your idea...
- We all were new in our positions last year as Tech Champions! You are a great team and are passionate about what you do. This year is going to be so much better, I can already tell. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and ideas during our meeting today. We all been in this situation when our words are falling on deaf ears. Let's work to make this year something great! Go Tech Champions!
- It may be tough not to, but the easy thing to do is to give up on sharing new ideas.
- New ideas cause people to feel uncomfortable because it is the unknown, and it's human nature to fear what we don't understand.
- stracized and cast aside as someone who is "pushing" their own agenda.
- I can almost guarantee that a few people are taking notice. Even more so, I would be willing to bet they are secretly having conversations about these ideas and possibly even trying them out in their classrooms.
- few pockets of "initiators" will begin to form.
- You might also never hear anything. You might never know how this idea or how the time you spent talking about it affected those around you. Even though you might not ever know, is not an excuse to stop doing what you do...
- Don't give up...We can't afford for you to give up. Our kids can't afford for you to give up...
Tech-KNOWLEDGE-y Tutorials & How Tos / Outlook Web App (OWA) Email
Houston school district invests in the future of its community with Microsoft
Plate Tectonics, Tectonic Plates Information, Facts, News, Photos -- National Geographic
Free Online Animated GIF Maker - Make A GIF Easily
- So this won't work on the iPADS cause we need flash, right? But it would work on the laptops. - post by Bianca Vega
Gickr.com - Best gif maker, make a gif in 2 seconds - upload pictures or get images from Flickr
- © Gickr beta: create animated gifs online 2006 - post by Rob Jongschaap
- Gickr.com | Create animated Gifs online in seconds | Upload files or get pictures from Flickr - post by SwitCh L
- Create animated Gifs online in seconds, Upload files or get pictures from Flickr - post by James Lin
- Сервис для создания анимированных GIF-изображений. - post by Anoubis
- Watch over 550 Anime series online for FREE! at http://www.lovelyanime.com - post by Pan Chan
Plate Tectonics, Tectonic Plates Information, Facts, News, Photos -- National Geographic
Plate Tectonics: An Introduction | Science | Classroom Resources | PBS Learning Media
Tagxedo - Word Cloud with Styles
- wordles now in shapes! Great for autobiographies, animal study,etc - post by Denise Chopin-Napper
- Love it! - post by N Butler
- So cool! I love Tagxedo!!!!! - post by Kim W
- I used Tagxedo yesterday for the Names of Jesus. Students were saying things like ..." I LOVE this program!" "This is so cool!" I believe that it helped accomplish my objectives and my all girl class are working on getting their T Shirts! - post by Janice Vogelzang
- these are great to use in the classroom, the kids love it - post by charlenehall208
- i have been wanting tag clouds that communicate more (e.g. via color and not just size of font) and that are more visually interesting (e.g. orient text in ways other than just a list) but not sure that taking on the shape of a celebrity is actually useful?! - post by janet russell
- cool - post by Debra Innerarity
- awsome - post by Ali Haider
- Somya Translators Pvt. Ltd. offers 24-hour customer service, ordering, and project management with of course the highest quality translation at an extremely competitive price. http://www.somyatrans.com/index.html - post by somya trans
- Jogando.net/mu *03* Venham Conhecer a Nova Temporada da Jogando.Net/mu na versão Season 6, com muitas Novidades, Eventos, Itens e Muito mais, para os jogadores do Jogando.Net/mu: São 6 servers exclusivos: Phoenix - 3000x War - 1000x - pontuativo (NOVO SERVIDOR) Super - 10.000x Pvp 15.000x Very Easy - 5.000x Hard 100 x Extreme 10x Vejam algumas novidades: >> Novo char: Rage Fighter >> Novos itens do novo char >> Novos mapas >> Novos rankings será implantado. >> Novo Duel Arena; >> Compre muitas armas com ZEN no evento Moss the Gambler. >> Fique logado e ganhe golds, Free ganha 1 GOLD por minuto e VIP 2 GOLDs. >> Novas invasões de DOURADOS. >> Novo mapa Karutan com novos MOBs, drops exclusivos e muita XP. >> Ganhe Chaos Castle e receba itens ancients. >> Todo dia sorteio de GOLDs entre os players logado. >> Dezenas de invasões todos os dias. >> Frutas de resetar stats, use a fruta e re-distribua seus pontos (exclusivo para o server extreme). >> O TOP ranking da semanal e do mês ganha muitos GOLDs seja TOP você também. >> Leo the Helper, ganhe todo dia um novo item clicando no NPC. >> O player TOP 1 Semanal de Illusion temple ganha “Fenrir Gold”. >> Seja um divulgador e ganhe set exclusivo de Divulgador. >> Novas asas lvl 3 com Socket >> Novos Rings e pendents >> Novos Shield 18 opt >> Novos kits Fusion v2 e Phoenix com shild... >> >> e muito mais... OS ITENS MAIS - post by rodrigo souza
- the information is useful,good blog - post by hu somoul
Wordle - Beautiful Word Clouds
- On May 6, 11:38 am, Tom Jewell
wrote: > I teach a Communication class at a community college. The last day of > the semester, I have the students give a special occasionspeechon a > topic of their choice and I give a tribute to the class. This > semester, I tried something different. > > I had each student write ten words about themselves that they would > want others to remember them for. Then I had them rate (not rank) > each word from one to ten. I took their sheets and made a wordle by > putting their name in fifteen times and each of their words the number > of times indicated on their sheet. I saved each set of words into a > single document before clicking on the "Go" button to make sure I had > the text for all of them, since you can't go back to collect the > words. I then made a PowerPoint presentation that included: > 1. A wordle for each student. > 2. A wordle with all of the students in one word cloud. > 3. A wordle of twenty definitions of "communication." > 4. My wordle for the class--my descriptive words of their > characteristics as a group. > > The students seemed to enjoy it and I found it a great way to close > out the semester. > > Tom Jewell - post by Carlos Portela - Tom your idea sounds great. I cannot wait to use wordle with my students. Thanks for the suggestion!!! - post by Kristina Popovic
- This is great! I am going to share this with my graduate class. - post by Amy Armstrong
- That is an awesome idea!!! i will ask my teachers about doing something like that for the end of the year. Thanks for sharing your story!!!! - post by Madison Grover
- Toms idea for a last task is great! I am going to save it for when I start teaching again! Are there anymore great ideas out there? - post by Anna Bring
- Yeo, I agree. I teach a web design class and my plan is integrate Diigo into their first assignment, which is a paper about best practices in web design with examples. Students generally find great examples of good and bad web design. It will be interesting to see the discussion happening through Diigo. I admit though that I am afraid of the "Creepy Treehouse effect". - post by Terry Patterson
- Thanks for sharing a great idea! I may have a great way to close up the unit on my action research project with my students! - post by Jeannine Berube
- Great Idea Tom! try Tagxedo, it is like wordle but you can go back to the text and give shape to the clouds :) - post by Katherine Ziolkowski
- https://docs.google.com/present/view?id=dhn2vcv5_157dpbsg9c5 Forty-Eight Interesting Ways* to use Wordle in the Classroom - post by Alex Price
- hey! it was my idea the wordle thing! - post by Diego Poo
- Great idea, I like it!!!!!!!!!!! - post by Zoraida Morales
- AWESOME!!! - post by C G
- great! - post by Dipal Kapadia
- I love Wordle. I was first introduced to it in another class I took in the Fall. I loved it and what the students would be able to do with this awesome feature! - post by Kristine Podolinski
- I can't wait to try this - post by Monkey Brainz
- Mu Jogando.Net Season 6 ((13)) Venham Conhecer a Nova Temporada da http://www.jogando.net/mu/ na versão Season6, com muitas Novidades, Eventos, Itens e Muito mais, para os jogadores do http://www.jogando.net/mu/ Super - 10.000x Pvp 15.000x Very Easy - 5.000x Hard 100 x Extreme 10x Novo Sever: War 1000x e Phoenix Ep.3 3.000x (32k stats) Acumulativo Algumas Novidades: -> Castle Siege, agora o GM da guild vencedora ganha SET exclusivo. -> Colete “Coins of Gold Fortune” e troque por itens no NPC Delgado. -> Novo Duel Arena, o top 1 do ranking ganha 100 GOLDs. -> Compre muitas armas com ZEN no evento Moss the Gambler. -> Fique logado e ganhe golds, Free ganha 1 GOLD por minuto e VIP 2 GOLDs. -> Novas invasões de DOURADOS. -> Novo mapa Karutan com novos MOBs, drops exclusivos e muita XP. -> Ganhe Chaos Castle e receba itens ancients. -> Todo dia sorteio de GOLDs entre os players logado. -> Dezenas de invasões todos os dias. -> O TOP ranking da semanal e do mês ganha muitos GOLDs seja TOP você também. -> Leo the Helper, ganhe todo dia um novo item clicando no NPC. -> O player TOP 1 Semanal de Illusion temple ganha “Fenrir Gold”. -> Seja um divulgador e ganhe set exclusivo de Divulgador. -> MegaUltraSuperHiper Evento de Castle Siege -> Novo char Range Fighter -> Novos PVPs -> Novos Mapas -> Novos rankings será implantado -> Nova skin no forum com novas opções. -> Novas Asas, Ring e Pendats 5 Socket -> Novos Kits Fusion V2, Shield Pv3, Kit Mysthical e ItensSupremo Diamond (raro) Apenas 100 será vendidos -> Novos Sets especial com o melhor preço By xXxEmOxXx - post by Anonimo Anonimado
- Mu Jogando.Net Season 6 ((13)) Venham Conhecer a Nova Temporada da http://www.jogando.net/mu/ na versão Season6, com muitas Novidades, Eventos, Itens e Muito mais, para os jogadores do http://www.jogando.net/mu/ Super - 10.000x Pvp 15.000x Very Easy - 5.000x Hard 100 x Extreme 10x Novo Sever: War 1000x e Phoenix Ep.3 3.000x (32k stats) Acumulativo Algumas Novidades: -> Castle Siege, agora o GM da guild vencedora ganha SET exclusivo. -> Colete “Coins of Gold Fortune” e troque por itens no NPC Delgado. -> Novo Duel Arena, o top 1 do ranking ganha 100 GOLDs. -> Compre muitas armas com ZEN no evento Moss the Gambler. -> Fique logado e ganhe golds, Free ganha 1 GOLD por minuto e VIP 2 GOLDs. -> Novas invasões de DOURADOS. -> Novo mapa Karutan com novos MOBs, drops exclusivos e muita XP. -> Ganhe Chaos Castle e receba itens ancients. -> Todo dia sorteio de GOLDs entre os players logado. -> Dezenas de invasões todos os dias. -> O TOP ranking da semanal e do mês ganha muitos GOLDs seja TOP você também. -> Leo the Helper, ganhe todo dia um novo item clicando no NPC. -> O player TOP 1 Semanal de Illusion temple ganha “Fenrir Gold”. -> Seja um divulgador e ganhe set exclusivo de Divulgador. -> MegaUltraSuperHiper Evento de Castle Siege -> Novo char Range Fighter -> Novos PVPs -> Novos Mapas -> Novos rankings será implantado -> Nova skin no forum com novas opções. -> Novas Asas, Ring e Pendats 5 Socket -> Novos Kits Fusion V2, Shield Pv3, Kit Mysthical e ItensSupremo Diamond (raro) Apenas 100 será vendidos -> Novos Sets especial com o melhor preço By xXxEmOxXx - post by Anonimo Anonimado
- On May 6, 11:38 am, Tom Jewell
- Mu Jogando.Net Season 6 ((27)) Venham Conhecer a Nova Temporada da http://www.jogando.net/mu/ na versão Season6, com muitas Novidades, Eventos, Itens e Muito mais, para os jogadores do http://www.jogando.net/mu/ Super - 10.000x Pvp 15.000x Very Easy - 5.000x Hard 100 x Extreme 10x War 1000x Novo Sever: Phoenix Ep.3 3.000x (32k stats) Acumulativo Algumas Novidades: -> Castle Siege, agora o GM da guild vencedora ganha SET exclusivo. -> Fique logado e ganhe golds, Free ganha 1 GOLD por minuto e VIP 2 GOLDs. -> Novo mapa Karutan com novos MOBs, drops exclusivos e muita XP. -> Ganhe Chaos Castle e receba itens ancients. -> Novo char Range Fighter -> Novos PVPs -> Novo Vip Premium -> Novos Mapas -> Novos rankings será implantado -> Nova skin no forum com novas opções. -> Novas Asas, Ring e Pendats 5 Socket -> Novos Kits Fusion V2, Shield Pv3, Kit Mysthical e ItensSupremo Diamond (raro) Apenas 100 será vendidos -> Novos Sets especial de Time de Futebol com o melhor preço -> Vem ai, 6° MegaUltraSuperHiper Evento de Castle Siege Premiado com mais de 21.000 Jcash + Troféus e Medalhas. >> CADASTRE-SE E GANHE 5 DIAS DE VIP << ENTRE JÁ NO SITE : www.jogando.net/mu/index.php?s=cadastrar By: xXxEmOxXx - post by Anonimo Anonimado
Thesaurus - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
STOP cyberbullying: Ms. Parry’s guide to correct online etiquette (Netiquette)
Motion Geometry: Rotations, Reflections and Translations - SchoolTube
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